Abstract Submission

Submission notice

Deadline for the submission of “oral” presentations is June 22nd, 2024. 

Deadline for abstract submission for “poster” presentation is August 1st, 2024. When submitting an abstract for a “poster” presentation please choose ONE Topic from the listed research areas which fits best to your abstract’s contents.

  • Instrumentation and Methods
  • Elemental MS Imaging
  • Lipids, Metabolites and Glycans
  • Proteins and PTMs
  • Novel MSI Applications
  • Pre-Clinical and Clinical Applications
  • MSI Data Analysis and Bioinformatics
  • Xenobiotics, Forensics, Toxicity
  • Multimodal MSI

The abstract submissions for “oral” presentation are currently subject to the reviewing process. All submitting authors will soon be in formed about the acceptance status of their contributions. Not all abstract submissions for “oral” presentation will be accepted; not accepted abstracts will be downgraded to “poster” presentations.

Poster Display Guidelines

For poster presentations the following requirements apply:
– Orientation: portrait (not landscape)
– Size: DIN A0 (= 841 mm x 1189 mm)
– Poster board and adhesive will be provided at the meeting.

Poster Appearance and Legibility

– Text and figures should be legible also from a distance
– Sans Serif fonts are more legible
– Avoid excessive text and organize your text using bullet points
– Graphics should be displayed in high resolution
– Consider including a QR code to link to further information about your research or to establish contact.