Oral Sessions


To browse all details of the IMSIS 2024 conference program please click HERE!

Information for authors

Lectures, workshops, and vendor seminars
Lectures, workshops and vendor seminars are given in lecture halls C1, C2, A1 (lecture hall building Chemistry), HS1, HS2 (lecture hall building Physics), and in seminar room W043 (IAAC building, first floor, close to the aquarium). Please follow the signs in the conference buildings to find the respective session halls.

Morning speakers are kindly requested to provide their presentation on USB by the end of the DAY BEFORE their lecture will be given.

Afternoon speakers are kindly requested to provide their presentation on USB by the beginning of the lunch break.

In all session rooms, DGMS 2020’s technical staff shall assist you in installing your presentation. The symposium’s PCs and laptops are equipped with Windows 10 and the current PowerPoint Version.